Health Coaching

A Health Coach encourages their clients to adapt healthy behavior changes and to hold themselves accountable for their choices, while supporting them in those decisions. We make recommendations for basic, health-supportive behavior changes. We do more than just recommend nutritional, fitness and lifestyle changes. We guide conversations that allow our clients to explore areas they feel need attention.

It is our philosophy that an imbalance in your health comes from an imbalance in the primary areas of your life which as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (INHC) we call Primary Food. Areas such as career, finances, relationships and spirituality have a much greater effect on our behavior and therefore our health. As a health coach, I listen and hold space as my client discusses these critical aspects of their life. It is in exploring these areas that we help our clients discover what is holding them back from achieving their health goals. Then we can dig into Secondary Food and make nutritional and behavioral recommendations to move our clients closer to their goals.

Helping people on their health and wellness journey is my passion.  If you are interested in connecting with me, send me an email at  I would love to hear from you!