

“Dawn is amazing! She’s energetic and supportive!  Her health coaching style helps keep you motivated and enthusiastic as you strive toward your realistic health goals. I not only achieved my goal of losing 15 pounds but I exceeded it! I lost 22 pounds, in the same time frame, by simply following her recommendations. I encourage anyone who needs help living a healthier lifestyle and sticking to it, give Dawn a try!”

- Jimmy


“I am so glad I was introduced to dōTERRA a few years ago by my friend, Dawn. I faithfully use Lavender oil in my diffuser nightly to get a better nights sleep. I am a big fan of my On Guard capsules. I use them whenever I am not feeling 100%. It has kept me from getting sick this school year. I have not missed any days of work in the past year due to illness. dōTERRA works for me.”

- Camille


“Dawn helped me with dōTERRA oils in so many ways. I always used a product that was not good for me to help with my sinuses and you introduced me to Breathe and it had changed my health by helping me breathe easier. I also have started diffusing oils and it helps me sleep with lavender and helps elevate my mood with wild orange and peppermint. You also introduced my to Deep Blue which I use after I swim laps and it helps my sore muscles.”

- Bev


I just wanted to share! I’ve had some difficult days with Bryan at the beginning of the school year and not wanting to go to school, but then Dawn Nagel helped me out with her oils! She made 2 roller balls for him and a whole new child was created! We got up dressed and to school we went! He smelled all different kinds of things lilacs, lavender and o as a girl put it just wonderful! He’s had awesome grades too! He still has his days, but I’ve only had to experience them like twice in this new year! Last week though he found a roller ball Dawn had made me for Christmas and said mom thanks for the new roller ball! Couldn’t figure out what this kid was talking about then he said as he’s rolling this on all over his body arm pits and all mom I smell like an orange and it’s great! So I look at the roller ball and the label says Merry on it! Well, ok today we smell like oranges and are Merry everywhere! Today Bryan was not only up and dressed for school he rolled that Merry on again and he was the first kid to school! I thank you Dawn for everything and for this whole new look for my child! doTERRA oils has given Bryan confidence and less stressful days! Anyone looking for oils please contact Dawn and she could help you out! Bryan loves her and all the help that he has gotten from her! Thank you again Dawn!”

- Valerie