Why Meditate?

In today’s world, we hear the words mindfulness and awareness all the time but have you ever experienced being mindful, truly aware and able to focus on the present moment?  Our days are largely made up of habitual tasks that our brains our able to do seemingly without thought.  Have you ever arrived at work and realized you had no recollection of driving yourself there?  It happens all the time.  You were driving to a familiar place and your brain did it automatically while you were thinking about other things.  Meditation helps us to be more mindful and aware of the present moment.

Maybe you have a lot going on in your life (like most of us!) and you find yourself struggling to focus, struggling to keep all of the plates spinning.  It can make you feel like everything is out of control which causes stress and anxiety.  Meditation helps to make you feel calm by finding the inner peace that is inside all of us.  

In Transcendental Meditation, they give the example of the ocean.  On the surface of the ocean there can be huge, crashing waves but go down 100 feet and the ocean is calm.  Meditation gives the brain a break from all of the chaos in our daily lives and allows us to go inward, find our inner peace and connect with our highest self.

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and despite it’s origins, does not have a religious affiliation.  The benefits of meditation are reduced stress, improved concentration, increased happiness, ability to tap into your creativity and has cardiovascular as well as immune system benefits.  I firmly believe that the practice of Meditation is the greatest gift you can give yourself.  I’ll be blogging about the different types of meditation and how to start your practice.  Also, in the future, I will be sharing mediations via audio and video clips to assist you in your practice.  Good luck in your spiritual journey!

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About Dawn Nagel

I have been passionate about health and wellness for over a decade. I also have a passion for meditation and the benefits I have received from it. I began my spiritual journey after attending Gabby Bernstein's Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 Training. I have also been trained in Transcendental Meditation. Lastly, I am a Premier Leader for the world's largest essential oil company.