March…what a year.

Yesterday, I saw a post that said, “March…what a year.” I couldn’t agree more. When I think about all the changes our lives have have gone through since the beginning of March, I am overwhelmed. I have been experiencing a full range of emotions such as shock, acceptance, fear, hope and helplessness. Understanding that doing what seems like nothing is actually everything in this moment.

I remember back to January and all the plans I was making for this year. I had so many wonderful events to look forward to and to celebrate. My son is a senior in high school which brings with it amazing life experiences. We enjoyed his last season of varsity golf and visiting four different colleges to help him in his decision making. We were looking forward to the excitement of him choosing where he will attend college, attending his high school graduation, the dozen or so IJGA golf tournaments he plays in every summer and of course, sending him off to college in the fall. Back in January, when I was thinking about all of these events, I had conflicting emotions. I felt sadness and loss over the endings but such hope and excitement at the new beginnings for both my son and myself.

Who new a tiny virus could shut down the whole world?

Today I have so many questions. Why is this happening? When will life go back to normal? Will life go back to normal? Will I be able to watch my son, in his cap and gown, graduate with his classmates? How do I know if it will be OK to send him off to college? This pandemic has reawakened deep seated fears from my past. My son was born just days after 9/11. Back then I was afraid every moment of what might happen next. I wondered every day “when would life get back to normal?” It did, eventually, but it was a new normal. I know, at some point, we will get through this also but again there will be a “new normal”. I am also hoping for it to be sooner rather than later because we all have important and meaningful life moments we need to experience.

Ironically, I find myself rich with the one commodity I was lacking for years…time. At the start of “social distancing”, I binge watched Netflix using it as an escape which I needed. I desperately needed the time and space to process and accept everything that was happening in our world. It was and continues to be difficult. Each day continues to be a rollercoaster of emotions; many that I do not want to feel. While it has been easier for me to turn to a glass of wine or 3 to avoid feeling them, I realize I was numbing myself to the good as well as to the bad. I also found myself eating whenever I felt fearful or empty not hungry just simply empty… Weeks have gone by and when I look back I realize all the time I have wasted.

My period of self-indulgence, no matter how justified it may have been, is over. I am determined to give meaning to this time I have been given. Instead of each day blurring into the next, I have come up with a daily routine that is helping me and so I would like to share.

10 Ways to Make the Most of Everyday

  1. Wake up feeling grateful. I keep a notebook by my bed and write down 3 things I am grateful for 1st thing every morning.
  2. Consciously eat only when my body needs to be fed. Wine is for the weekend. I am no longer going eat or drink to numb emotions.
  3. Exercise. I am moving my body for 30-40 minutes every day. It makes me feel strong and uplifts my emotions.
  4. Stay connected to loved ones. Though physically healthy for us now, isolation is not good for us emotionally.
  5. Get outside. The sun and the fresh air are good for our mind, body and soul.
  6. Meditate. If there ever was a time to go inward and find peace, calm and stillness – it is now.
  7. Work towards a personal or work related goal. You have the time. Why not use it to lose a few pounds or focus on your side hustle?
  8. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule. It is one aspect of your life you have control over. A good night’s sleep is essential for health.
  9. Self-care. For me that means taking my supplements every day, diffusing essential oils, taking time for beauty routines, etc..
  10. Pray. Connect with whatever higher power you believe in and ask for everything to be resolved for the greatest good for all.

In case anyone is interested in broadening their spiritual practice, I have followed Gabby Bernstein since 2016, read all of her books  and am proud to call myself a “Spirit Junkie”.  I am also a follower of Dr. Joe Dispenza, his books and teachings have been integral in deepening my meditation practice. 

I would love to hear what you are doing to make each day count. Feel free to comment below.

Please Share Your Thoughts!

About Dawn Nagel

I have been passionate about health and wellness for over a decade. I also have a passion for meditation and the benefits I have received from it. I began my spiritual journey after attending Gabby Bernstein's Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 Training. I have also been trained in Transcendental Meditation. Lastly, I am a Premier Leader for the world's largest essential oil company.