Daily Routines – it’s progress not perfection!

I am a very organized person. My house is clean (most days), the laundry is caught up, there is food in the refrigerator and I pay my bills on time. I am most comfortable when I have a routine. I have, without too much difficulty, been able to keep up my weekly and monthly routines but my daily routine has been out of whack for the past 2 years.

I spent from January – July of 2018 building this website on evenings and weekends. It was time well spent. I learned so much during the process and I love how it has turned out. In August 2018, I felt compelled to take a year long class to become a health coach which I completed in September of 2019. It was easily one of the best decisions I have ever made. While these were wonderful and worthwhile ways to spend my time because of where it now allows me to be, in truth, some of my daily routines have fallen off.

I have maintained my healthy eating patterns and my meditation practice but daily exercise…it hasn’t been happening.   

I have a love/hate relationship with exercise. I love how I feel after I finish and I love how it makes me look. However, fitting it in my daily schedule had become difficult not to mention that it’s HARD to do and so it was something I let slide for a long time…too long. I never intended to stop exercising. I would make deals with myself such as: when you get to this point of progress with your website or as soon as you finish this week’s class lesson or as soon as the laundry is completed. You understand – right?

What I have come to realize is there will always be reasons why I should skip a part or parts of my daily routine. And somedays they will be really good reasons and I might have to skip but the next day it’s right back to try routine because “it’s progress not perfection” that matters. I’m done with excuses and I forgive myself for getting off track. I know that taking care of myself allows me to better take care of everything else in my life. Starting today, I choose me.

I am interested in hearing about your daily routine. Feel free to comment below or comment here on my Facebook page. Let me know if you are interested in my daily routine and I will be sure to post it.

Please Share Your Thoughts!

About Dawn Nagel

I have been passionate about health and wellness for over a decade. I also have a passion for meditation and the benefits I have received from it. I began my spiritual journey after attending Gabby Bernstein's Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 Training. I have also been trained in Transcendental Meditation. Lastly, I am a Premier Leader for the world's largest essential oil company.